Sunday, my patient load came down to 21 as I lost one of the Yellow-throated Euphonia. I have no idea of what happened... he became lethargic so I put him on some antibiotics. Two hours later he had died. The other three appear healthy though and are mostly eating on their own. Monday brought me an Olive-throated Parakeet with a broken humerus and radius. She had surgery on Wednesday to pin the humerus and hopefully the wrap will help fix the rest of the wing. The Roadside Hawk's eyes are looking much better but only time will tell if the torn eye lid will heal correctly. There's a definite ulceration on that eye - caused either by the Grackles or the rubbing of the lid on the eye. She's super feisty though so I guess that's always good. All of the babies are doing well. The Flycatchers have finally started eating on their own. The only problem I have now is supplying enough food. I catch moths, but not enough, and I'm quickly running out of canned mealworms. I don't have a mealworm colony here so if anybody wants to accidently send some larva to get one going, I would appreciate it. The Woodpeckers have been cut off from formula. They're quite friendly though, so I am reluctant to release them near any people. The "tame" Roadside Hawk has been moved outside. He's actually pretty skiddish. I've been "exercising" him in order to build up his flight muscles because he tires quite quickly. FYI: exercising mean chasing him around with a broom. The eight parrots should be transferred within the next two weeks. Finally! Those guys have been in those little cages for way too long... and they're be that much closer to release! I think that's all patient-wise...
Alison and her mom arrived Monday evening. It's so good to see them! I haven't seen Alison in three years, since we worked together on Maui. They've been a huge help so far. They even let me take a nap yesterday. Things have calmed down considerably over the past few days and I'm starting to feel the exhaustion of the past 6 weeks. I'm beginning to feel like a zombie wandering most of the time. I'm so thankful they're here to help out! Having the company is nice, too. Not that I don't love hanging out with birds the majority of the day, it's just nice to have some human interaction whilst doing so.
We had a slightly ridiculous moment on Tuesday night when we went out to Greedy's in town. A creep decided to break into the car and was sitting in the back seat when we walked up. We ran back to the bar and all of the men hopped up and ran to the car to check it out. The perpetrator had gone by then. This car is a piece so no harm was done; it was just a little random... and scary. It's nice to know that there's people to look out for you when you need it. Thank you Greedy's employees and patrons! And now I know where NOT to park. Live and learn... or something.
What's up for this week? I have no idea. Hopefully some field work or maybe a day off. Hmm..