My main hurdle right now is selling my car. I've posted it on craigslist if you want to wander on over and check it out. Make sure to pass along the link to friends and get the word out! She's been a good car, but if I don't sell her, I can't afford Belize.

I feel like I've done a million things but nothing can be crossed off my list. In fact, it keeps growing longer and longer. Within the next couple of days, I hope to have that list of needs that CASA has for its rehabilitation center. I can even pick up the items if you have the ability to donate! I'll be contacting some veterinarian offices to see if they can help out in any way at all.

So the more I research the area in which I'll be living for a year, the more excited I get! Did you know Belize is only an hour behind EST? No jet-lag is awesome. Some of you know that I'm kind of a history nerd... I have a little infatuation with all things old (particularly Egyptian and Mayan / Aztec related topics). Great news for me... there are Mayan ruins within walking distance of where I'll be living! I've inserted a picture of said ruins that I've shamelessly "borrowed" from some page on the internet. Above would be the Cahal Pech ruins. There are even more amazing ruins about seven miles outside of San Ignacio.. maybe I'll do a day hike out to those. Or maybe I'll just drag my sister along when she comes to visit (you know you liked it when I dragged you up that South Korean mountain, you even went back for a second dose of punishment!). FYI: start prepping now so you'll be all set to do 14+ miles in a day.

Above is another borrowed picture of Casa del Caballo Blanco. Jealous yet? Just kidding.. but look at what you'll be staying in if any of you decide to visit! I'll have my own private room and bath (and thankfully internet access).
I've set up a Paypal account if any of you want to donate. Just click the button to the right and fill out the necessary information (thanks, Scott!). It's easy and secure and beyond appreciated!
Next blog should hopefully be good news about the car and a wish list of medical supplies for the birdies!
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