Friday morning arrived with the cutest patient ever... a fledgling Collared Aracari Toucan! She was found on the ground Thursday morning. She has weird miscellaneous wounds and an old leg fracture which has healed correctly. Thankfully she's eating on her own so she doesn't have to be force fed. Soon we'll introduce her to Elmo, the resident Aracari, so she won't forget that she's a toucan. Photo credits to the lovely Alison Kocek (feel free to follow her blog and harass her for not updating in YEARS).
We released the Great-tailed Grackle on Saturday. He's really friendly and is still receiving supplemental feedings. His current condition is a bit disconcerting but I guess all we can do is give him time to figure out how to live in the wild. Monday brought us two Golden-fronted Woodpecker nestlings. Well, three actually, but the other had died in transit. The other two look great though and are eating a ton... as it usually is with the Woodpeckers.
Alison got conned into staying two more weeks! But sadly, she leaves on Wednesday.. unless she can be dissuaded otherwise. I'm not quite sure what I'm going to do when she leaves.
I think I forgot to mention that a couple of weeks ago we saw a Jaguarundi! We were leaving the office one evening and we spotted one about 15 feet from us. We had seen adult and kit tracks on the trail about a month ago. Pretty crazy. The day before yesterday there was a young Fer-de-lance snake on Alison's porch. Go ahead and google it. Uhhh... yeah, just a little scary.
Tomorrow we finally have an adventure! Blue Hole National Park on the gorgeous Hummingbird Highway. We both need to get away from the facility since it's been a month and a half of almost straight working... I am so very excited to get away from it all. I love doing this, but no real day off since Mid-May has gotten to me just a little.
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